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  • Life at SimScale – 2022 DE&I and ESG Update

    Lisa Widmann
    BlogLife At SimScaleLife at SimScale – 2022 DE&I and ESG Update

    Hi there 👋

    We hope all is well! 2022 has been a busy year for us, particularly around our DE&I (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) strategies and we are excited to share some interesting updates and insights into what has been happening!

    number 10 surrounded by simulations

    On October 18th, SimScale celebrated its 10-year anniversary! We are thankful for all of our employees, customers, and investors who have supported us in our mission. Since we were founded in 2012, we have grown from 5 founders to 125+ team members at the moment. In 2022 alone, we have recruited and onboarded about 40 SimScalers! Our growing number of employees make it even more important to consistently drive our DE&I and ESG initiatives. 

    Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

    SimScale’s vision is to create a diverse and inclusive work environment where everyone is respected, valued, and enabled to bring their true self to work. We strive to attract and retain a diverse workforce by creating and fostering a companywide culture and infrastructure that supports all employees. 

    Part of our DE&I commitment in 2022 has been outlining a strategy and roadmap on where we currently are and where we want to be. This strategy is a one-year plan that will help us achieve our business and people goals. In order to achieve this, we need every employee to work together and to be open to change. This strategy will be everyone’s responsibility and commitment. First initiatives of SimScale’s DE&I strategy have been:  

    • Launching a Task Force: The goal of the task force is to drive initiatives and engagement, and raise awareness within and outside of SimScale.  
    • Forming Focus Groups: In various meetings, we want to provide an opportunity to our team members to discuss DE&I with others in more detail, what they appreciate about our environment and where they see the need for change. 
    • Launching a Data Monitoring Campaign: Without data, it is hard to see the effects of our initiatives. With our data monitoring campaign, our goal is to regularly review and reassess our initiatives and measurements and see where we need to become even better. 
    • Finalizing a 2023 Employer Branding Plan: Through employer branding, we are able to share valuable insights into our work environment and culture. Moving forward, our goal is to capture the diversity of our team members, certain events, topics as well as campaigns even more. 
    • Offering Workshops and Learning & Development Opportunities: DE&I is a broad topic and there are many things everyone can learn from each other but also from workshops and training. Therefore, we will implement a training platform in 2023 and offer regular workshops. 
    • Reviewing Our Hiring Practices: No recruitment process is perfect. We aim to create an equal hiring process through skill- and evidence-based hiring. However, part of this process is to continuously reassess our practices and manifest them in a recruiting policy.
    simscale team at simsummit 2022
    Our Team at SimSummit in April 2022

    Environmental, Social, and Governance

    Almost everything around us depends on the quality and innovation in the work of engineers and designers around the world. Their implications affect fundamental areas such as the quality of life of all living beings, the construction of a just and equitable society, the care of the environment, mitigation of climate change, and more.

    Our goal is to empower these engineers and designers so that they do not encounter barriers to their innovation, allowing them to achieve progress that benefits everyone in the shortest possible time. In this way, we seek to contribute to making the world the best place it can be.

    Furthermore, in addition to driving positive change through our products and services, we want to incorporate ESG best practices into our daily operations, benefiting our stakeholders accordingly. First initiatives of SimScale’s ESG strategy have been:  

    • Launching a Task Force: The objective of this task force is to share and discuss ESG-related ideas, manage projects, and communicate effectively to the rest of the organization and stakeholders.
    • Finding an ESG External Training Provider: Employee training is critical to drive positive change related to ESG. For this reason, SimScale will seek a supplier that will enable employees to be trained on ESG policies and guidelines (Governance), environmental stewardship (Environmental), and workplace wellness (Social).
    • Defining a Nursing Policy: We believe it is essential that SimScale provides mothers with all the necessary conditions to be able to perform their work normally, without putting at risk such a crucial stage in the life of the child and the mother as breastfeeding.
    • Engaging with TechZero: We know that our individual contribution is important, but if we join forces with other organizations or entities, the impact will be even greater. Therefore, SimScale will seek to join the TechZero group, which brings together companies in the tech industry that aim to be net zero by 2035. For this, among other things, SimScale must have a solid Sustainability Policy in line with international recommendations.
    • Defining a Military Guideline for Applications: SimScale will seek to develop a guideline of recommendations so that the use of our applications in industries such as the military is specially regulated.

    Keep following along on our blog as we share more insights into what is happening at SimScale!

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