As a product designer or engineer, your designs are some of your most valuable assets. Naturally, the security of those assets is a basic requirement to you when using simulation software. At the same time, you don’t want nuisances like cloud data protection or SaaS security considerations to get in the way of your overarching goal: designing great products.
Cloud Data Protection What is Cloud Data Security?
Cloud computing security uses a mix of controls, policies, and procedures to defend and protect online data in cloud-based systems from cybercriminals. Cloud data security protects users’ privacy alongside regulatory compliance legislation, and allows the setting of authentication levels for different users and devices; meaning it can be configured to the exact needs of a business while reducing administrative and IT overheads.

Cloud Security Security of the SimScale SaaS Application
When using SimScale for engineering simulation, you offload cloud computing security concerns to a team of experts. As you will see, a significant ongoing effort goes into ensuring your data is always safe and available to you when using our platform.
From the very beginning, your data is encrypted both in transit between you and SimScale, as well as when we receive it. This means that we are using tried-and-tested security technology you’ll be familiar with, exampled by the same security protocols you find in online shopping or online banking (the ‘HTTPS’ at the beginning of a URL). This ensures that even if your Internet communications are somehow compromised, your data would still remain inaccessible to cybercriminals and phishing scams. The same applies to 3rd-party integrations like our Onshape CAD import feature.
Data Protection for Simulation How Does SimScale Ensure Cloud Data Security?
Once we have received your data, it is then managed entirely in a closed-off network inside Amazon Web Services (AWS) with secured entry points (learn more about AWS’ impressive security commitment and track record here). Even if a cybercriminal managed to get physical access to the machines running your simulations, your data is encrypted, so it would be unrecoverable. Of course, those measures also apply to data you generate within the SimScale platform such as simulation results as well as when you view or download any data.
To learn more about SimScale’s simulation capabilities, download this features overview.
Cloud Data Protection with SimScale How Do We Scale Data Protection Measures?
The economies of scale that apply to SaaS providers like SimScale allow us to implement cloud computing security measures at a level that is seldom found at non-specialist companies. This ranges from basic—but sadly often neglected—measures like making sure all the software in a system is up to date with the latest security updates (and implementing alternative measures in case no fix is available yet!), to employing experts in software and IT security that are tasked with and experienced in designing safe and secure online systems at large scale.
On top of investing in a good system design from the start, we operate a whole array of monitoring and alerting systems that help us find and address issues before they impact our users.
Beyond all those protective measures, SimScale also offers features that give you more control over your online data than before. This includes the ability to easily share your data with specific users, as well as revoke that access at any time. It’s easy to see how this is more safe and secure (and convenient!) than sending an email, for example.
As you might have already discovered, there is the possibility to share your data with SimScale experts to assist in any simulation roadblocks you might encounter. Of course, we have internal measures in place to prevent any unauthorized access to your data.
Data Privacy Data Privacy and Data Availability with SimScale
As a final note, many users are mostly concerned with data privacy, whereas another important factor to consider is data availability. With SimScale, your data is stored and processed on geographically distributed systems with built-in redundancy and failover—even if parts of the system fail, another part will be able to take over.
And by the way, we also offer the option to communicate with SimScale over encrypted email—simply let us know if this is something you would prefer!
Would you like to learn more about SimScale’s security? Check out our security page here for more information.