We have another update from our product team: To alleviate the constant overload, all of the jobs waiting in the queue have been cancelled.
If you received a notification that your job was cancelled, please do not worry - we will accept the homework as it is with all of the meshing and simulation setups shown. You may submit the project link via this form. Please do not restart the jobs, we don’t want to overload the server again
If you have not yet started Homework 1, please do a simulation for Configuration 1 and Configuration 2 to receive full credit.
Thank you again for your patience and understanding.
@jousefm .Sir, I have completed all the meshes along with simulation, except the simulation for the 6degree configuration ,which failed 3 times ,due to numerical instability(according to log)
So if I submit the homework as it is (missing simulation for 6 degree config.) will it be accepted?Thanks in advance
@jousefm Sir, from the update which you posted. If the jobs are cancelled. Should we submit by today with what we have? the deadline we had earlier or should we submit before friday deadline?
Hi @jousefm
As you told me to increase the cores and then rerun the meshing operation, so I did. And yes it worked, thanks for your help. Really appreciate it.