Measuring Passive Scalars

I am trying to run a series of CFD simulations for a (advanced) middle school science fair project. I am simulating airflow in small classrooms in order to test various interventions and layouts for aid in reducing Covid-19 spread. I have been trying to use a Passive Scalar Source as a proxy for virus particles by originating it on the “mouth” of one of the students.

After running the simulation, is there a way to measure/calculate the average amount of a Passive Scalar in a volume, or near a point or surface? We need some way to analytically measure the amount of “virus” that impacts the “people” proxies. We can use either the post processing module or Paraview, but have not found a way to extract meaningful numbers.

Thank you in advance!

Hi, this is Fillia :slight_smile:

Your project is similar to this tutorial, right? Thermal Comfort In a Meeting Room | Tutorial | SimScale It also uses scalar species transport analysis for the local mean age of air computation.

The value of T1 on a point indicates the time it takes for the sneeze to reach it. So by using the Results Control features, you can calculate the average age of air for a point (Probe point), or surface (Surface data): Result Control | Simulation Setup | SimScale

I suggest you also read this blog regarding ventilation for mitigating COVID-19: Ventilation Strategy Design for Mitigating COVID-19 | SimScale

More pages to check:

Best regards,

Thanks! I was able to put in some points and get the data!

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That’s great! Cheers!