How to define a piecewise function for the velocity inlet boundary condition


I am new to simscale and trying to perform fluid flow simulation on a submerged body.

I have to define a velocity inlet as the boundary condition. I have done simulations for constant flow velocity so far and I got satisfactory simulation results.

However, now I have to define the velocity inlet boundary condition as a piecewise function as shown in the image piecewise function.

I have defined the inputs as shown in the following image for the velocity inlet.

However, it doesn’t follow the trend as shown in the first image.

I have followed the approach shown on the documentation page of simscale below.

I would appreciate it if someone help me with this?

Thanks in advance!


my suggestion to create a curve like this is to use the Table.

Also can you please share a project with us so that i can check that the implementation is correct?

Best regards

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Hello Sebastian!

Thank you very much for your suggestion! I will attempt the same and share the project once done.

I appreciate your efforts in helping me.


Hello @SBlock

I have tried to simulate. Somehow, the results are not converging. The following error is thrown.
“Velocity field started diverging. Please check the mesh quality near the reported location and try refining the mesh. If the problem occured near a boundary, please check the boundary conditions. In case of doubt, please ask for assistance via our support chat.”

I have shared the project with the username SBlock. Please let me know if you have received the invitation.

Thank you once again!

Hello JK,
can you please post the link to your project here, so that also other members of the community can contribute to the solution?

What I would suggest you to di is to create a point at the reported location and check the mesh there:

Please have a look at this page on how to improve the mesh quality:

Best regards