Simulation problem with Tutorial GT Car Spoiler

Hi, im new too SimScale and tried running the tutorial: Airflow Around a GT Car Spoiler.

Everything made sense and worked fine until I reached the 5th point in the tutorial where “the simulation starts”. I get this error and don’t understand how to interpret it. I’ve tried creating a new mesh with “fine” instead of “moderate” as the tutorial prescribes. But this didn’t seem to solve the problem.

Error message with moderate mesh:
"Boundary conditions have been applied on the following faces: face1430@Flow region. face1478@Flow region, face1436@Flow region. These faces have been defeatured because the meshing parameters are too coarse. Please consider refining the mesh further.

Found a boundary condition with faces that do not belong to the mesh: face1478@Flow region, face1436@Flow region, face1430@Flow region. This may happen if the boundary condition is assigned to an internal face between different regions. Please remove these faces from boundary conditions."

After updating the mesh to “fine” the face’s 1436 and 1430 were resolved. But I keep getting an error with face1478.

Tutorial: Incompressible Turbulent Flow Around a Spoiler | SimScale


Hi there.
Thank you for posting on the forum! It’s great that you shared your project link already, makes it easier for us :slight_smile:
Let me have a look and I will get back to you quickly

I Aaboe, I have exactly the same problem and it’s still stuck in my project…I followed the tutorial but same error message.
Let me know if you manage to do something.

Hi there,
These are the faces that are creating the error

You can simply remove the boundary condition for Spoiler where you assign no-slip condition and it should work perfectly!
You can also set the Numerics settings to the following

Your simulation should work now :slight_smile:

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Thank you for your swift response!

I don’t think I quite understand how and why removing the boundary condition for the spoiler should help? Don’t I need the boundary condition for the spoiler as the tutorial prescribes? As said, I’m new and a little confused :wink:

I tried changing the numerical values to your suggestion. But this didn’t resolve the simulation run error, the same error appeared (run 4).

Thanks in advance

Hello, thanks a lot for your answer !
I changed the Numerics as well without removing the Boundary Condition on the Spoiler and it doesn’t work. If we removed the BC on Spoiler it works but are the results are still good…?
Thank you in advance

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I’ve just done the EXACT same and with the same outcome, I also question the validity of the results, but I found a thread with the same issue, where it was explained that “non-assigned” surfaces are assigned by default as “no-slip”. Thus I’m inclined to believe that the results are correct :slight_smile:

Thread I found:

Yes that’s the right. If any surfaces in the CAD model are left unassigned, then a No-slip wall boundary condition gets automatically assigned to them. Hence removing the boundary condition should have no effect on the results.
You can read more about it here: Wall | Boundary Conditions | SimScale

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Perfect, thanks for the swift and helpful answers!

May I suggest that you update your tutorials, it seems like the interface in the tutorial and its figures, isn’t the same as the interface now. Which clearly causes some confusion :wink:

Thank you so much for this thread link ! It helps me a lot
And thank you for your help !
Have a good day and good luck for your project !!!

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I have another (and last I hope haha) question regarding the Area value that we set into the Force and Moments coefficients. For the car tutorial it’s written “Using Onshape…”
Do you have the area value of the spoiler in order to have correct plots for drag&lift Coefficients because I didn’t manage to obtain it…?
Thanks in advance !