I am importing a model in order to create a simulation and test aerodynamics. I am importing the CAD model as a STEP file. Then I add an external flow box around it. I am preparing the simulation and then ready to mesh the body. It then displays an error that I have not entitles the type of materials of one of the models. That model is my car body which I a solid and should be entitled to a material since materials are all fluids. There are no gaps in my model and I checked in all methods and in my CAD software. What can I do so that it recognises it is a solid?
Perhaps, this tutorial will help identify and resolve the issue: Aerodynamic Flow Behavior Around a Vehicle Tutorial | SimScale
Note that the simulation domain for a fluid dynamics simulation is the region occupied by the fluid (gas or liquid). Perhaps, the step missing is to delete the solid parts to be able to use the model in an analysis type that requires a single fluid region. That is, after the fluid domain is generated, the next step would be to delete the solid parts from the geometry. (See section 1.2 of tutorial and/or see this documentation on performing the ‘Delete’ operation: CAD Edit | CAD Preparation & Upload | SimScale)