Need help with starting a project for incompressible flow around a car

I am a student contributing to the f1 in schools competition. I have started using Simscale to test and find out how aerodynamic my car is.

I need to find out which areas have the most drags, and all the coefficients.

However, following tutorials have not worked out, and I am unsure how to start.

Any advice would be beneficial. Thanks!

Could you please link your project. That way we can tell better of what might be going wrong.

Sure. Here is the link:

(Click link not sure why it says “Simscale Login”)

I am not fully sure what you need help on. I looked through your project and you seem to have done three simulations. And you also seemed to have added filters like iso volumes to the post processor. Sorry if I am not understanding your question correctly.

Yes, so the problem is around the results. Compared to the tutorial that I used, it visually didn’t look the same. Also, the forces and moment coefficients are way off because the drag coefficient would typically be around 0.3 when the outcome instead is 0.001.

Also here is the tutorial I have been using:

Thank you so much and I apologise for the misunderstanding.

I am not sure but you have your frontal area at over 2 meters squared and there is no way for me to get an exact measurement from SimScale however your frontal area looks a lot smaller than 2 square meters. Your area seems like it could be close to a tenth of the area that you have set. Hopefully this helps!!!

Thank you. This helped a lot. :slight_smile:

The only problem I am facing currently is when I load a new simulation run, it appears to only be in 2d, unlike the tutorials that I have been following which are 3d:


if u see the filters box on the side there should be something called “cutting plane” toggle it off. Then you can use parts color to look at the pressure across your car. I would also recommend talking a look at this tutorial on the post processor. It teaches you about particle traces different color schemes iso volumes and many other things. Hope this all helped! :slight_smile: