Mesh is not generated

I have managed to subtract it now. But when I want to create the mesh I receive an unstated error.

I am trying some manual settings, and will let you know as soon as I have results :slight_smile:

Here I have created two versions, one with manual settings and one with the automatic option. The solution was to add a surface refinement on the boat:

I also increased the ‘Small feature suppression’ under the Advanced settings.
Best regards,

Thanks, now it is working. But not I am having difficulties with the simulation run. I always get this message:

The phase fraction of your multiphase simulation went out of bounds. This may happen due to multiple reasons, mainly a too large time step, poor mesh quality or high-order numerical schemes. Please review your simulation set up and consider a smaller or adjustable time step, ensuring that the Courant number (CFL) does not exceed 1.

Hey, please check these pages:


Hi, my mesh keeps saying this how can i fix it?
An error occurred. Learn more.

When I pressed to learn more it told me to get in touch with the company.

Access to my simulation.