I have a few questions about aerodynamic simulations

  1. I was wondering if I do a symmetrical areodynamic simulation, do I multiply the everything on the force plot by 2 to get the total force acting on the airplane?

  2. I was wondering what the mesh volumes and the different mesh values have to be under to have a good simulation like iso volume < 100 and the other ones are…?

  3. I was wondering how accurate the results are on simscale in + - amount of newtons, for about 1 - 5 million cells and 10 + cells in the mesh, assuming minimal mesh generation error.

  4. I was wondering if you could have only 4, 3, or 2 mesh refinement regions for the mesh and still get accurate or close to accurate results?

  5. I was wondering if you could add region refinements in places that have high iso volume etc, to fix the convergence in the simulation?

Thank you so much for your time and effort again,

Hey there :slight_smile:

I will try to answer all the questions:

  1. Yes, if you don’t multiply with 2, you will only get the forces for half the body.

  2. Iso-volume is a feature of the post processor, so I assume you are referring to one of the mesh metrics instead.

    You can read more here: Mesh Quality | Mesh Visualization Tips | SimScale

  3. You could perform a mesh sensitivity study and reach to a point where improvements on the mesh do not bring any changes in the -converged- results.

  4. This depends on the case :slight_smile: I suggest you try to find similar projects in our tutorials page and create a mesh with similar configuration. You will notice how different project get different mesh configurations. SimScale Tutorials and User Guides | Cloud-Based CAE | SimScale

  5. If you notice areas with really high values when it comes to some parameters in the solution fields, you can definitely try to improve them with region refinements.

Best regards,

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