Geometry issues when trying to build enclosure

Hi all, Just started using SimScale (and pretty green with CFD generally). I’m trying to do a wind analysis on a small patch (couple blocks) of a neighborhood (I’m on community plan so using incompressible without LBM). Just looking to visualize what winds would do coming from the south.)
Here’s my project →

First problem is I’m having a hard time getting an enclosure around my small urban model. I’ve edited and re-uploaded the model many times, trying diff modeling strategies but keep getting the below error— “The geometry could not be combined at face95635@solid77. Please consider cleanup operations in your CAD tool.”—though when I fix that face, another face shows up as a problem the next time.

Appreciate any help anyone can give! (Also, as I am new to this I’m not sure i am going about setting up this whole simulation right and am open to hearing if there is a better way!)

Hi @dborowsk: Do you want your city to fly, please? If not, please consider cut the basements by appropriate bottom of your enclosure first. :smile: If it still fails, we will look again… Bottom line is that you need a common ground and enclosure will make it flat. If you have special topography, you would need to integrate it in your geometry before importing.

I would ask you to check dimensions of imported geometry : it is inches, hence your city looks really tiny.



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Thank you for that feedback! OK so I am working with cleaned up geometry now. I have
“sunken” the city into the enclosure and confirmed that although it is in inches, the scale is correct. 2500 in = about 200 ft.

Enclosure seems to be working now! I’m going to move on now to try an incompressible simulation!

Thanks again for the help!

BTW – strange thing, I had originally tried adding a volume (box) to serve as ground and booleaned all the buildings to it, but simscale wouldnt proceed because it said my model was all shells (even though Rhino said it was (1) closed polysurface. Any thoughts on why that might be?

Hi @dborowsk: for the moment you have to sort out your BCs (last simulation).

No-slip BC is default, so you do not need to define it by yourself.
Your sky and sides of domain should be ‘slip’ BC.
Set Potential foam initialization to YES.

I do not know why results of boolean on Rhino is not a solid. However closed polysurface is not a solid, in my opinion. I have no problems with OnShape. :smiley:

Take care,


Thanks! Made those changes and trying simulation run again. I have been encountering some errors when trying to run - hoping this helps!

BTW - I posted the continuation of this thread (re my simulation errors) over in the CFD category, wasn’t sure if this was the right way to do it but thought for future referencing would be more useful to others here — Simulation Failed: Gauge pressure field diverging / floating point exception

PS - I’ve not used Onshape, will check it out!