I literally cannot simplify the geometry at the specified region and im pretty sure the boundary layer set up is ok (ive tried both moving and non-moving floor, neither worked). What should I do??
Edit: I’ve tried everything to no avail. I’ve tried to simplify the geometry before importing (if i simplify more the sim would essentially be meaningless), tried both stl. and step. files, tried with/without the simscale cad wrap method, tried moving vs stationary ground and tires, and tried refining specific regions. Nothing works, keeps getting the divergence issue. Please help.
Hi, if you follow the workflow described in this article, you will notice that the simulation is diverging around the undercarriage part.
There are a bunch of thin sections which seem to have a fairly low resolution (probably due to the wrap operation). Those sections are probably creating bad mesh elements which ultimately lead the simulation to diverge.
Here are some workflows that come to mind:
- Using a .step file instead of .stl and avoiding wrap operations. If the CAD is clean (no small faces/gaps) you can probably use the standard meshing tool
- Having a bad surface resolution (which is the current scenario that you have) is not a good idea, but the hex dominant meshing tool would be more likely to give you a successful run than the standard meshing tool, due to the order at which the mesh cells are created
PS: the doc page that I linked is rather generic and could be used for any divergence issue that you happen to run into.