Uploading an assembly geometry

I have made a model of a CIWS using Siemens NX.

It consists of 29 .prt files.

I followed the uploading instructions.

All the .prt files along with the assembly where compressed in a single .zip file for uploading.

When uploading only the first .prt file from the .zip folder is actually uploaded.

What should be the problem ?

Hi @Zaff_Zaff thanks for posting on the forum and welcome to the SimScale Community :handshake:

As described in this Knowledge Base Article and to my knowledge, the only types of assemblies that can be imported onto SimScale are either SolidWorks or Inventor Ones:

To import multiple bodies as different parts, I guess you have a couple of alternatives:

  1. Include all of them in the same CAD file
  2. Import them into the same model using the “Add CAD” feature of our CAD Editing tool


Greetings !

Thanks for your support, is there any way in SimScale or in any other colaborating software for converting the .prt files (Siemens NX 2406) to Solidworks or Inventor Ones?

When uploading each .prt file seperately simscale recognizes them, but that does not happen with the assembly.

These days i have tried converting the .prt assembly to .stl and then making it .stp to upload to simscale but i get a 1,7 GB file which fails to upload.

Hi @Zaff_Zaff, I guess the best route would be to export the files directly as STEP or Parasolid, so they can be composed of polysurfaces instead of having a resolution. Is that an option?

Could you please define the suffix of the file format ?

Unfortunately , I am using the student version of Siemens NX 2406 , so I can only export to either STL or photo (I do not have the export to STEP option).

Under these circumstances, I used Siemens NX 2406 to export the .prt files to STL and then I ported the STL files to FREECAD to make them STEP. The result is a geometry of 2,21 GB. After trying to upload to SimScale I get the notification that the file fails to uploaded on time.

At the moment I conervter all the .prt components along with the .prt assembly file to .x_, I zipped them and tried to upload. Again the same issue, only the first of the files in the zipped folder gets actually uploaded.

I then tried to upload just the assembly on x_t format. Although it gets successfully uploaded, the name of the components are not precisely named (for example a solid named 01_Deck is uploaded at Body1)

I hope converting the .prt files on .sldprt and .sldasm works better

Hi @Zaff_Zaff

For STEP the extension should be either .stp or .step, for Parasolid it should be .x_t.

Have you tried using OnShape’s Academic Version instead of Siemens NX? I suggest this because, as I had mentioned, STL files are really not ideal for simulations in the platform (especially if you’re using solvers other than CHT (IBM), Multi-purpose, LBM or PWC).