There are 5 levels of region refinements, how much should each one be

Hi I was wondering what the value of the desnity of the number of cells for the refinement from the finest level to the least finest level for a good mesh? Example - densest level level 5 through least densest level 1. Thank you for your time and help,

Hey Frank, this depends on the case. The analysis type, CAD geometry, properties and boundary conditions define the requirements of the mesh. The number of cells is an empirical indication of a “good” or “bad” mesh. What I would advice you is to actually check the metrics provided by the meshing log instead:

Best regards,

Dear Frank, I have already answered that in my previous answer: “Where the level 5-mesh (could be a higher refinement level) must be fine enough to comply with your turbulence model’s y+ requirements (30 to 150)”. So the first cell near the wall must be between 30 to 150 (y+) for the SST-k-omega model. If you do not know what y+ is, there is plenty of material to study from, i.e. What is y+ (yplus)?. The height of the first cell defines the “density” of subsequent lower levels.