The simulation is taking too long

the simulation i made yesterday, it crashed took over 80 minutes to get 1 percent done, the mesh is already done i have decent pc specs

Please include the URL to your project so we can check what is happening.

I see. Your mesh has 36.6 million cells. This is too much for the capabilities of the community account. Please reduce the refinement of the mesh to be able to complete the simulation.

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how do i continue the simulation

Hi, assuming that you want to run the simulation with the new mesh, this is not possible. You would have to start the simulation from the beginning.

If you mean how to restart a simulation that was stopped with the same mesh & settings, then that is possible. This article contains more information: Can I Continue an Existing Simulation Run in SimScale?

PS: the answer to most of these questions are readily available in the documentation, with a simple search. Using your exact terms, you would find the same article that I just linked :slight_smile:

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i just wanted to know if the mesh was too large also how do i rerun a simulation i didnt find that on the forum

Hi, the previous mesh was too large (36M elements). The current mesh has around 2M elements and should run.

To rerun the simulation, simply click on the + button around here, and start a new operation.

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Sorry to jump in on your discussion.
If my simulation stopped because exceed Max. Runtime and the simulation is 25% so I got to try “Continue the run”. Is the new simulation run begin from start or 25% from the last simulation ?


If you continue the run, it will start from 25% from the last simulation. For more details: Can I Continue an Existing Simulation Run in SimScale?

I had try that, but when I do that the simulation start over from 0%.
The 1st run is on 25% and when I re-run it got canceled on 16%. Please check my project "".

Hi @rhezA,

You will find the details under the event log:

By checking the convergence plots, you will notice that the simulation resumed from where it stopped (i.e. iteration 619):

PS: I’d recommend cleaning up the CAD model - there’s plenty of fillets, threads, and other details that you could clean up to get a better mesh size.
