The lift to drag ratio of a flying disc

Hello. I am trying to find the drag and lift coefficients of a flying disc(frisbee) at different launch angles. I need help with figuring how to use the inlet velocity(i am not sure whether to write the velocity based on the angle. like 15m/s or 15cos5 for Ux or adjust the pitch axis). And also which phases should I select for inlet velocity and pressure outlet. Please help. Thank you


In short, the velocity inlets should be defined with an angle (like this):

So if you are interested in an AoA of 10 degrees, you can simply calculate 15cos 10 degrees and 15sin 10 degrees - these are the values that should be input.

This tutorial may be helpful in your case. The setup of your simulation would be quite similar, except for the analysis type (yours would be incompressible, given the velocities).


Thank you so much