Standard mesh cannot be re-created

In my ‘Double Cylinder’ project I have simulation based on Standard mesh (a few days old):

Simulation IncompressibleAir, Mesh MeshTorus

  • Today, I made a copy of the simulation and called it IncompressibleAirFine.
  • I made a copy of MeshTorus into that simulation and renamed it to MeshTorusFine
  • I did not touch any previous mesh parameters and tried to generate it. No log file is left, only ‘An error occured’ message.

This is already odd. Of course, tweaking the parameters of mesh does nothing,
Mesh contains two cell zones and no refinements. Project is now public and is a small one, so investigation of that problem should not take a lot of time. I’m curious to know the reason of that misbehavior of standard meshing process.

Thank you,


Forwarded your query Andrzej, one of my colleagues will get back to you soon!



This is a bug that was fixed this morning at 10:47 CEST. I copied your project and just ran the mesh to double check that everything works fine and it does.




OK guys: it works now.

Thank you,


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