Simulation failed

I tried to do some simulation on a project but it failed. I need help because I do not understand what to do.

this is the link

Hi @hiq,

Thanks for posting your question!
Taking into account that everything is a fluid domain, at this point down below the fluid face is getting a sharp end which makes difficult the mesh conforming.

Otherwise, as it is just a small region behind the impeller, I do understand that doesn’t affect the flow in a high potential, so decreasing the relaxation factor should be a good alternative to mesh refinement in that point.
I ran a simulation with these new numerical parameters, and it is going well till now, so please try to make a copy and do your own improvements.


Thanks for your help.

relaxation factors

I just want to confirm this is the parameters that you change right? If you don’t mind can you explain why decreasing the relaxation factors help.

Many Thanks,

Hi @hiq,

The most easy explanation on relaxation factors can be found in this page:


hey, thank you so much for explaining, it helped me.

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