Simulating surface albedo for solar loading in conjugate heat transfer v2.0

I have a project where I want to simulate different temperatures of a box depending on the color. One box would be white and one would be black, but I don’t see any option to change the albedo of the outer surfaces so they will reflect more light or absorb more light. I’m using the conjugate heat transfer v2.0 simulation so I can have solar loading.


Hi there,
Can you please share your project link?

I tried simulating with different emissivities but I don’t know if that is correct.

Hi i posted the project link for you

Hi there,
Thank you for sharing your project. We will go through it and get back to you shortly!

Hi there,
So as I can see, if you wish to compare results with two different boundary conditions, you can set the respective behaviour.

In the boundary conditions, you can see the option to set the transmission of the solar load. Under Solar radiative behavior , we define if a boundary is Transparent , Semi-transparent , or Opaque.

Once a boundary is hit by a ray, it will either absorb or transmit a fraction, or all of the incoming solar load. All boundary conditions transmit solar load in the same way, however, depending on their Temperature type definition, boundary conditions react differently to solar loads absorbed internally and externally .

You can read further about it here.

I hope this solves your doubt!