Rigid body motion boundary condition

I am trying to modeled un-symmetric pressure vessel with external pressure.
I wish to apply a rigid body motion boundary condition on one of the body surface.

I pick three node on the Z plane of the body and apply the following BC:

  1. The displacements in three axes (x,y,z) is equal to zero at the first one node.
  2. The displacements in two axes (y,z) is equal to zero at the second node. where the axis between the first and the second node is the x axis.
  3. The displacement in the z axis is equal to zero at the third node.

I run the analysis but I got a singular point in the three nodes.

Who can I apply a rigid body motion boundary condition for a un-symmetric body in SimScale?


Hi @samuelshannons!

Rigid Body Motion is not yet available on our platform. If you want you can leave a feature request on this page: Feature Requests

However it would be nice if you could share your project with us. Maybe there is a workaround we can work with :+1:

