Pressure Drop Across a Heat-exchanger - Flow of Super-Heated Water

Dear SimScalers,

in this weeks spotlight we will have a look at a simulation of liquid water flowing through a heat-exchanger by @kcontractor.

This project is aimed at simulating the flow of liquid water super-heated to a temperature of 198° C (471 K) in a heat-exchanger. The primary purpose is to determine the pressure drop across the heat-exchanger and determine the mass flow distribution in the heat-exchanger pipes.



Type: Hex-dominant parametric (Snappy Hex Mesh)

The geometry was uploaded and meshed using the snappyHexMesh tool.

Mesh Information:

Nodes: 5268269
1D elements (edges) 0
2D elements (faces): 15007362
3D elements (volumes): 4923285


Type: Incompressible Fluid Flow Analysis

Simulation Setup:

Simulations Details:

Turbulence Model: k-Omega SST

Steady-state simulation with SIMPLE as a solver.


Newtonian Fluid: Air

Kinematic viscosity [\frac{m^2}{s}] : 0.000015295

Density [\frac{kg}{m^3}] : 867

Initial Conditions:

Turbulent kinetic energy value [\frac{m^2}{s^2}]: 0.0012

Specific turbulence dissipation rate [\frac{1}{s}]: 12.22


A qualitative representation of the velocity distribution of the entire pipe-set:

Taking a closer look a the velocity distribution, it can be determined that the mass flow is not evenly distributed across all the pipe sets. This provides a basis for further quantitative analysis.

The two dimensional velocity and pressure distributions are indicative of the pressure drop across the entire heat-exchanger.



Cross-Sectional View:

SimScale project:

To look at the simulation setup, please have a look at the project from @kcontractor :

[Pressure Drop Across a Heat-exchanger due to Flow of Super-heated Water]

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