Mesh Quality: Skewness

Halo, I have a problem with skewness value. my skewness value is 1.4135508783030875.
In this article Mesh Quality | Mesh Visualization Tips | SimScale say that the recomendation of skewness value is 0.25 and the maximum value is 0.85

what should i do to reduce the skewness value? Thank you

Hi @fathany, thanks for your post on the forum :slight_smile:

Welcome to the SimScale Community :handshake:

In order to improve the quality of your mesh, I’d advise you to follow the workflow provided in this knowledge base article:

However, one thing I’ll point out is that the skewness of your mesh seems ok. That’s because the documentation you’ve pointed to uses a metric for calculation/evaluation of skewness that’s different from SimScale’s meshing log, there it goes from 0-1 whereas in the Meshing Log it goes from 0-100.
