Maximum number of iterations exceeded when calculating temperature from a thermodynamic potential

Error - Maximum number of iterations exceeded when calculating temperature from a thermodynamic potential. This may be caused by low-quality mesh producing unrealistic pressure in a few cells or inappropriate boundary conditions, fluid properties or time step. Inspect fields for large values in the last time step.

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This documentation page contains some lines of action to tackle this error:

I can see that you already tried a CHT v2 model, that is a good start.

Yes I have tried it but it’s taking more time than more. Is it normal or not?

The simulation is taking a long time to solve because you specified a total of 1000000 iterations for it (which is definitely way too much).

A good starting point for a simulation would be 1000 iterations only.


Thank You @RicardoParis

Still I am having problem with the very first issue.
Error - Maximum number of iterations exceeded when calculating temperature from a thermodynamic potential. This may be caused by low-quality mesh producing unrealistic pressure in a few cells or inappropriate boundary conditions, fluid properties or time step. Inspect fields for large values in the last time step.