Is it possible to simulate the mixing of a shear-thinning fluid with a constant-viscosity fluid?

I am trying to simulate the mixing of a shear-thinning (changing viscosity) fluid with a water-like newtonian (constant viscosity) fluid. I tried using another FEM software (Autodesk CFD) but it was unable to model this scenario - it only allows mixing of two fluids with constant viscosities. Does anyone know if this scenario can be simulated using Simscale (or any other resources)?


Hi @ryans55,

Thanks for posting your question!
Could you please tell me for what conditions the viscosity of the fluid is changing? (I mean, is it due temperature increasing in the mixer or other kind of stuff?). If you already have a project link to share with your CAD model, it would be great to understand more. But pretty straightforward to the answer: SimScale provides viscosity changing calculation based on Sutherland transport model, which is regarding dynamic viscosity due to temperature changing. It is available for any compressible type simulation in the platform, just enabling the compressible property in the setup.
I do not know if this helps you to achieve what you’re looking for, but for more information on how it is developed, please take a look at the link below, which might be helpful telling you in which cases SimScale provides that viscosity changing.


Thanks for the reply, Goncalves.
The shear thinning fluid’s viscosity is a function of the shear stress, and the other fluid has constant viscosity. The goal is to simulate the mixing of these two fluids when perfused through a static mixer. I do not have a simulation set up because I do not have a full license - I am just inquiring to see if this type of simulation is possible using Simscale.

Hope this helps clarify a bit - let me know what other details may be helpful.


Hi again @ryans55,

Thanks for clarifying! :slight_smile:
Unfortunately that shouldn’t be possible yet. But please stay tuned to our last releases and also feel free to suggest a new feature too:
