I try to fix error in Mesh Quality but still fail :)

Hi there! :grinning:

So I hv start a simulation on my city and try to do a wind analysis. In Run 1, the sims failed due to the mesh quality. (Shown below)


By reading the event log in Run 1, I added a Probe point to improve the mesh quality, however, the sims failed again and showing the same message. :smiling_face_with_tear: I wonder maybe there are errors in boundary conditions but I m not sure. :thinking: Any suggestions or support? Many thanks!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:




Link to my project: SimScale

Hi @180631819 , welcome to the forums. Your grid looks fine from far away, but from up close it is too coarse, especially for capturing the details of buildings. Never use automatic meshing unless it is a case where the grid resolution should be more or less homogeneous. I really rarely recommend it for CFD. Use the parametric Hex-dominant mesher. Make a fairly coarse background grid and make refinement boxes as you get closer to the buildings. Check this link out: Hex-Dominant Parametric Meshing of Front Wing | SimScale.

Last piece of advise. CFD is not easy. Simscale does a great job of automating and reducing the knowledge requirements to perform simulations, but you should read as much of their support material as possible, otherwise most of your simulations will likely fail.

J.A. Gutiérrez

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Understood, sure I will check this out, thanks for your support. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :+1:

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