"A setup with 6 regions is being used in a single-region analysis type" error appears for incompressible analysis

When I want to perform the simulation, an alarm appears that does not leave me and I get this alarm:

A setup with 6 regions is being used in a single-region analysis type. Please make sure that all regions except for one have an Advanced Concept assigned to them.

Hi there, please add more information regarding your simulation, like:

  1. The link to the project;
  2. What exactly you are trying to simulate;
  3. Some photos that also show the error message.

Best regards,

1.- https://www.simscale.com/workbench/?pid=1541696254039993017&mi=spec%3A69f855e1-49b2-4767-b42f-6f99dfd3f3fc%2Cservice%3ASIMULATION%2Cstrategy%3A6

2.- The parameters in the discharge in a water tank, pressures, temperatures, speeds etc.


I had this problem - when deleting all the geometric objects except the flowfield, i was able to do the simulation.

I would also like to know, if this is a necessary step - or whether once can assign an ‘Advanced Concept’ to them, as the error message says, and keep them in the list of geometric objects. After all, they may be useful in a later stage of the project.

Best regards,

Hi again,

for an incompressible analysis, only the flow region should be used.:
flow region
Please delete the rest of the parts in CAD mode using the Delete body feature.

Best regards,