How do I insert solar load in convective heat transfer or Conjugate heat transfer?


I am trying to simulate a house condition for thermal comfort , I have tried 2 approaches 1. Convective heat transfer case
2. Conjugate heat transfer v2.0 Case

Problem I am having:

  1. I can’t seem to be able to Use solar load in Convective heat transfer case
  2. If I select Solar load calculation in conjugate heat transfer case then It posts an error: “Solids have been defined in a solar load case. Solar load is currently only enabled in pure convective heat transfer cases.”
    Shown below:

In convective heat transfer case I have a wall boundry condition but I can’t seem to be able to add a radiative source , I only have the option to add heat source shown below:

In the image above 24.4 is my solar radiative load That I want to apply on the boundary as solar load.

However in Convective heat transfer in documentation and examples there is shown to be an option to insert radiative heat source shown below:

This above picture is taken from : Thermal Comfort In a Meeting Room | Tutorial | SimScale

I have to apply solar load to walls and roofs so What is the process and how can I apply it ?

There seems to be no option to do so. Help me :slight_smile:

The link to Conjugate heat transfer case is:

with name: Analysis Try

Hey there, and welcome to the forum!

Thanks for noticing this. The tutorial seems to be outdated with respect to changes in the platform. Will report.

Anyway, you are able to apply the additional radiative source if you change the ‘Radiative behavior’ from ‘Opaque’ to ‘Transparent’ (basically from a wall model to a window):

Hi ,
thanks for your reply but this would mean that all the radiation is absorbed by the flow region and boundary temperature would not change with radiation, This is not the true case.

Can you help me in conjugate heat transfer case btw?

Oh and sorry , If I input it as in transparent condition this would mean that no wall conductivity would be considered , However in true scenario there is a wall behind the boundary which should affect how heat is transferred inside into flow region.

How do I solve this problem?

Transparent condition only applies to the radiation model, the wall conductivity model should still be taken into account.

Perhaps @rgasparini could add some value into the discussion, please?

Hi @aneeqahsan ,

Quickly stopping by to add a note to the discussion: currently there’s no functionality that explicitly allows you to define a solar heat load.

However, as you can see in our Public Roadmap, a solar heat load functionality is currently under development, and will be available in the future.

Make sure to visit the roadmap and click on the feature, to add some feedback, if you’d like! It shouldn’t take long until the first version is released.
