Hex-Dominant Automatic - Prismatic Elements in the vicinity of the wall

I have repeated several times step by step the following tutorial: Hex-dominant automated: Internal flow through an angled pipe, but I do not obtain prismatic elements adjacent to the walls. What am I doing wrong?

Hi @cnordio!

I’ve similarly tried to duplicate the mesh to no success. Due to the limited nature of the Automatic Meshing, I don’t have any solutions to obtain the ideal mesh configuration.

However, this can be done via the more complex Hex-Dominant Parametric Meshing where you have greater control over the mesh. You can see how to set this up to obtain the ideal mesh via the validation project here and you may need the document here as well. Do note you need to consider your y+ calculation (refer to the document).

In the mean time, I’ll call on @jousefm to see if he any idea on how to obtain the “prismatic elements” at the pipe inlets using just the automatic function.

