Getting Error in velocity calculation

I have set the ground and all surface of the assembly as no slip wall. But why the velocity field is diverging.

Hi again @shubhj21!

I’ve lost access to your project. Could you kindly copy it’s URL and share it here?

Make sure it’s shared with support as well!


Hi Igor,
Here’s the link–

Hi @shubhj21,

The first thing I’d like to share with you is this article on convergence of simulation:

Applying the workflow there, you’ll see that your run failed here:

Taking a look at the mesh’s quality in that region, you’ll see that it’s very distorted and the boundary layers are breaking:

To solve that, an option might be to apply a local element size there or to control the fineness of the boundary layers manually with an inflate boundary layer region refinement.

For more information on checking and improving mesh quality, please take a look:

Tell me if that helps :slight_smile:


Hi Igor!
Thanks a lot. Bu I am still stuck with the same issue.
The solution which I’m thinking now is to simplify the CAD more.
Secondly, I am still unable to add local element size at the defected region.
First can you pls guide me on how you used geometry primitives to pin-point the defect in the boundary layer?


Hi @shubhj21, sure!

But I’ll kindly ask you to create another forum post for us to keep them one topic at a time :slight_smile:

That way users will be better served when searching for solutions!
