Failed simulation because of diverging velocity

  • External aerodynamic forces on a rear wing of a Formula 1 car
    Velocity started diverging, Please check the mesh quality near the reported location and try refining the mesh. If the problem occurred near a boundary, please check the boundary conditions. In case of doubt, please ask for assistance via our support chat. Velocity = (1.411m,-0.002854m,6.339m)

The link to my project is

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Hey, thank you for using the forum!

It seems you have deleted the simulation run that diverged, so I can not possible check what went wrong. This is probably a mesh issue, some bad cells create high values, and then the simulation fails. Unfortunately without the run I can’t locate these cells, so you will have to use the probe point to understand which area is problematic and needs refinement. Use these guides when divergence occurs:

Your boundary conditions are alright, but you could extend the domain more, as you can see in Figure 8 here: Hex-Dominant Parametric Meshing of Front Wing | SimScale

Keep in mind that if the Mach number exceeds 0.3, you should try a compressible analysis instead.

Best regards,

A post was split to a new topic: Forces coefficients are too high for simulation of rear wing