im so frustrated tbh i dont understand why is it so hard to get simscale to form a sim-ready mesh. I even used the wrap method in cad mode which clearly states that it generates a sim-ready object. i just dont know what to do. my model is not even complex, its a very simplified/straightforward model. i took all the internals out, i even got rid of the rear wing mount but it still wont give me a workable mesh. please help, please.
Hey @harryfeng,
Thanks for reaching out on the Forum.
The mesh intersection seems to be caused by self-intersection as mentioned in the error you are getting:
You can read more about this error here: Surface Meshing Self-Intersection | Knowledge Base | SimScale
Maybe try keeping a small gap between the flow region face and the wheel of the car geometry and meshing it again?
Let us know how it works out for you!
the imported model already had a 3mm gap between the ground plane and the bottom face of the tire contact patches. i will try to increase that gap a bit and let u know if it helps
Now im getting non-orthogonality errors. If u look at the precise spot (0.8289 m, -0.3363 m, 0.06982 m) where the warning is thrown, it’s literally just a straight edge, literally no way for me to simplify it further. Could you help me with this please? Thank you.
Hi @harryfeng,
Non-orthogonality can also be eliminated by refining the mesh at the location instead of simplifying the CAD geometry itself. The simplest way would be to add a refinement that contains this non-orthogonality region using a geometry primitive. Make sure to then specify a sizing lower than the current approximate mesh size at the location. This would create more cells and in turn remove non-orthogonality caused by a single, stretched, big mesh cell.