Error Message

This error message has popped up when working on my project “The mesh failed because the model contains faults. This should have been caught earlier while uploading the model or inside CAD mode (if any operation was performed there). Please contact our support for assistance.” the link to my project is here and am wondering how to solve this; I am currently constructing a wind tunnel to test out aerodynamics. Your help and time is appreciated!

Hi there,
Thank you for your post!
We will take a look and get back to you soon :slight_smile:

Hello @TerraTitansF1,

Thanks again for reaching out to us, and apologies for the long delay. We wanted to provide you with some suggestions, even though it’s late.

Have you tried using the hex-dominant meshing algorithm? You can find more information about it on the following documentation page:

This algorithm is known to be more resilient when it comes to external aerodynamic models with faults.

Please let us know if this solves your issue or if you have any other questions; we’d be happy to help further.
