Error in Simulation

I am trying out a simulation of a communication shelter HVAC with two rooms connected via a space through the wall where the air would flow.

I have tried to modify the External Flow multiple times but I still get an error every time I run the simulation.

The error log I get state that “At least one cell zone should have been created during meshing but it could not be created. Please check if the body which defines the cell zone correctly overlaps with the mesh region.”

The link of my public project is:


Hope someone could assist me on this problem.

Hi @jmacuha,

Thanks for posting your question!
For this analysis type, please delete all solid bodies and then make sure that you just have the fluid flow region. Please find an example for your geometry here.
Also, please take a close look at this HVAC tutorial, it might be helpful.


I finally surpassed the Mesh creation but in the simulation run, I got an error which states that
“Velocity field started diverging. Please check the mesh quality near the reported location and try refining the mesh. If the problem occured near a boundary, please check the boundary conditions. In case of doubt, please ask for assistance via our support chat.”

The project link is:

Hope you can help me identify the proble,.
