Ecounter a fatal io error?

I have encoutered a fatal IO error when running the 2d domain/longer pipe run at

What were changed are:

  • Longer pipeline
    • Before: 50cm
    • Now: 500cm
  • A piecewise function for velocity inlet BC instead of a number.
    • Before: 20m/s
    • Now: (2000*t+10)*(t<0.004) + 18*(0.004<=t<0.008) + (-1000*t+26)*(0.008 <=t<0.016) + (250*t+6)*(0.016 <=t<0.02) + (500*t+21)*(0.02 <=t<0.024) + (2750*t+57)*(0.024 <=t<0.028) + (-1250*t+55)*(0.028 <=t<0.036) + (-1500*t+64)*(0.036 <=t<0.04) + (3000*t-116)*(0.04 <=t<0.044) + (-1500*t+82)*(0.044 <=t<0.048) + (2000*t-86)*(0.048 <=t<0.052) + 18*(0.052 <=t<0.056) + (-1000*t+74)*(0.056 <=t<0.064) + (250*t-6)*(0.064 <=t<0.68) + (-500*t+45)*(0.068 <=t<0.072) + (2750*t+189)*(0.072 <=t<0.076) + (-1250*t+115)*(0.076 <=t<0.084) + (-1500*t+136)*(0.084 <=t<0.088) + (3000*t-260)*(0.088 <=t<0.092) + (-1500*t-154)*(0.096 <=t<0.096) m/s
    • t is time

What is the cause of this error?

Thank you

Hello yapabox589,

I’m not quite sure but do you check if the function is defined correctly. What I would suggest is to instead of a function is to use a table.
This will have the same effect as your function, but you are sure that it’s defined correctly.

please let us know if this worked for you?

Best regards

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Deleting my answers. This page helps me set up everything

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