Hi, could you help me? I would like to use the software to do basilistic calculations for my tests. I would like to know if the software has this type of use. If so, how could I use it the way I do.
Hi, feel free to post more details about objectives, what kind of information you’re looking for, etc.
Hello. I’m opening a company here in Brazil, to develop projectiles for compressed air weapons (PCP). I would like to generate simulated ballistic data to prove the effectiveness of the projectile. Furthermore, I would like to discover the ballistic coefficient of each type of projectile. Today what I use most is the Slug model and because of this I am looking for software to help me with this development.
Hi @ThroneSky12,
Unfortunately SimScale wouldn’t be able to simulate the actual hitting of a target by a bullet - the high velocities of such a scenario coupled with a potential damage formulation would be best suited for an Explicit Dynamics solver (which is not currently available on SimScale) - you can add this as a suggestion to our Public RoadMap page however: https://roadmap.simscale.com/
As to the aerodynamics of the projectile, this might be possible using our Multi-purpose solver (only available to our professional paid customers). For more on pricing, take a look here:
Good morning. In fact, it would just be aerodynamic calculations. But I’m not able to check the price because my email ends at yahoo.com.
I would like to know if I purchased the product, could you help me with developing the calculations?
Hi @ThroneSky12, we unfortunately wouldn’t provide this kind of service as it’s more engineering focused - we would provide live support to help you develop your simulations.