Academic Plan Request

Hello SimScale , I am a final year student and doing my final thesis for the cfd study on conjugate heat transfer. I had applied the academy plan for several weeks but got no response on it. This is because, I had encountered problems by using the community plan because of the running time. I required larger core to reduce the running time in order to make sure my simulation converged below 1e-03 which took at least 700 iterations. For now it stops at 400 iterations.

Thanks for the support.


Hi Farith!

For academic plan requests, please reach out to me via email at and let me know what project you are working on to see if you’re eligible for the plan.

Thanks and all the best!



Hello, i have emailed you, and you ask to post it here. Basically, In my simulation I encountered the maximum run time problem with one of my simulations, where I cannot reach convergence of 1e-03.

Attached is the link for my problem simulation which is the simulation N.

I hope you can help me because, it is the only simulation i failed to run below 1e-03

Hey @bk17110042!

Yes, the issues are posted in the forum. The academic request is (usually) decoupled from your problem and should be posted in the forum to also inform other users in case they run into similar problems. @core_support, can you assist our users here?

I will follow up with the academic request via email.



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Hi @bk17110042,

If you have access to Conjugate Heat Transfer V2.0, I strongly recommend to use this one to reduce the number of iteration to achieve convergence.

Checking the residuals is not enough to decide whether the simulation has converged or not. Please check this article to see how to check the convergence.

Some ways to accelerate the convergence of the current simulation:

  • Under the Numerics, increase the relaxation factors. 0.01 is small, which prevents residual oscillations but also increases the number of iterations. You can try with 0.1 or 0.3. If you observe high oscillations, keep the relaxation factors small then.

  • Under the Numerics, you will see the maximum and minimum range of density. Since you know the fluid type and possible temperature/pressure range, you might limit minimum and maximum density value here. This will help the solver to iterate to the right density value faster. As an example, air density will probably be somewhere between 0.6 and 1.2 kg/m3.

An additional recommendation with respect to the meshing strategy: Instead of using global mesh fineness, you can chose manual refinement strategy, where you can play with surface mesh size and boundary layers. This can help to reduce the mesh size, while doing mesh independence study effectively.



Thank you for your response sir, much appreciated

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