"A multi-region mesh was assigned - this analysis-type requires a single-region mesh." error for incompressible analysis

Description of the error shown when trying to run a simulation: A multi-region mesh was assigned - this analysis-type requires a single-region mesh.

Project: SimScale

These may be the causes (extracted from: Error: Multi-Region Mesh in Non-CHT Simulation | SimScale)

A second common cause is related to the Advanced concepts . For single-region analysis, we may intentionally have more volumes when we are modeling advanced concepts:

If the user forgets to create a cell zone and assign it to an advanced concept, it will result in a multi-region mesh error when running a simulation.

Hi there, for an incompressible analysis, only the flow domain should be present, meaning these 3 solid parts should be deleted:

You can do this by using the CAD mode, and specifically the Delete body feature.

Regarding the second question, do you have a specific project you are referring to? The one you sent me does not seem to contain any Advanced concepts.

Best regards,

Ok, I’ll try to delete them, thanks. But what do you mean by 2nd queston?

Is this another concern of yours regarding your project?

Well, now that I’ve generated my mesh I decided to run the simulation, but this appeared again: "A multi-region mesh was assigned - this analysis-type requires a single-region mesh. "

It makes sense, because the solid part is not removed yet:

But then it would delete the 3D model, right?

Sure, but the gap inside the domain that represents the model will still be there :slight_smile:

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