Why is the particle trace's flow diverging before it hits the object

Hi @jhsieh25,

Thanks for posting your question. It doesn’t seems to be diverging, but could you please share the project link just in case?


Sure! my question was why is the flow region separating form the car before it hits anything?

The simulation is Run 2 of “Copy of Copy of left fairing saved”

Even taking a close look at your project, I see no problem with the flow. It is not separating before hitting anything, the upper flow is just being affected by the lower one (which is hitting the car).

By the way, is it right appling this moving wall BC in y direction? Just to confirm, so it is not related to your question.

Yes! the moving wall is what caused it to be wierd. Thanks for helping me catch it.

One other thing, could you help me figure out why the inlet/outlet plots are unstable like this?

Some other posts here suggest to se fixed value for inlet but that is what we are already doing

@goncalves it seems to happen to alot of our recent simulations with fine meshing, is this because of the distance between car and outlet?

Hi again @jhsieh25,

I see that you got better results, kudos on hat! The tiny small fluctuations that you see in the image below are normal and inherent to the iterative process. For this steady-state analysis, please just consider the converged value (last result).



Thank you!

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