Vertical turbulence due to chimney - Airplane

Dear all,

What a nice forum !

I have an interesting question about the impact of a chimney toward airplane flying other it.

What I know :

  • Exhaust gas velocity (air)
  • Temperature of the gas (air)

What I want :

  • Evolution of the heat of the exhausted gas from the chimney,
  • Evolution of the vertical speed of the exhausted gas.

Whith this, I hope to be able to say if an airplane flys inside the chimney turbulence flow or not.

You can find the link to my simulation, the size of the chimney is not representative.

Thank you for your help

Hello, and welcome to the forum!

Thanks for the kind words, we try to have a good community and support here in the forum.

You are on the right track to get your simulations. I will give some guides to move forward:

  • The gas will have the same properties as the air, because this is a one phase simulation. You can model the dispersion of the gas with a passive scalar species. Select only 1, which will be the gas.
  • For the convective heat transfer analysis, you must remove the solid part (the chimney), as you must consider only one fluid region.
  • Specify a velocity inlet at the bottom face of the chimney, with the values you have for velocity and temperature. Also set the species to 1.
  • For the atmosphere faces, use ‘Natural convection inlet/outlet’ boundary condition.

This should be enough to help you get your first simulation, and extract the info you need in the post-processor.

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