Using the result of a simulation as a boundary condition for another one

I want to know if the results of one simulation can be used as a boundary condition for another simulation.
In the attached image it is represented grafically. It is an aerodynamic simulation of trains, where the speed of the train is simulated by introducing air with velocity. In this case I want to simulate the case where one train travels one way and the other one the other way. I’ve try to introduce air both ways but te simulation doesn’t run, so I am trying to split the case in two simulations, first I have simulated one train and I want to introduced the results of the mid “wall” as boundary conditions for the second simulation. And my question is if thats possible.

Hi @acarte_echever, thanks for posting on the forum :slight_smile:

Welcome to the SimScale Community :handshake:

Unfortunately that’s not possible within our platform, however, I’ll ask my colleagues for input in case there is any possible workaround for you to achieve what you’re trying to.


Thanks for your help Igor

Hi @acarte_echever,

I just wanted to reach out again for a quick follow-up on your situation: what you’re trying to do would be possible if you used a third party solution such as ParaView for analysis, retrieving the point data for that particular wall and inserting it as a table boundary condition (which should only work for velocity):

Does that help?


Ok, I’ll try.

Thanks for your help

