Unexpected Error with editing CAD

I would like to create a simulation of outdoor winds on a few buidings on a flat ground. I imported a revit model and started modifying it. But I get unexpected errors when i try to add an external flow region. Here’s what it tells me :

you can see my project here:
CHU Poitiers implantation1 | SimScale Workbench

could you please help me solve this problem ?

Hi there,
Thank you for posting on the forum. We will take a look at your project and get back to you shortly

Hello again, did you get time to take a look? I’m stuck with my modeling…

I am able to create the external flow region with these values.

However I would advise you to try different dimensions as this box is too big and it could lead to computationally expensive mesh and simulation.

In case you want to perform wind simulations of a district, Incompressible simulation type can still be used which is available to community and academic users of SimScale:

In public projects library, you can find such simulations performed with Incompressible solver:

thank you for the answer, I can also create the box you showed me but I wanted to reduce the size of it (so that it doesn’t simulate what’s outside of the cylinder). But I still get the same mistake, do you have an idea how I could prevent it ?