There is no "saved selections" in the viewer

I’m currently doing " Tutorial: Drone Simulation Using Rotating Zones". First steps there are connected with creating new saved selection but the thing is there is no such a thing as it shown in the picture. I don’t know maybe I should set up this somehow but I tried to fix that and I still couldn’t do it. pls help.


The initial project already contains a couple of saved selections - do these not show up for you?

Feel free to post a image with what you currently see (or a project link).


No, unfortunately I can’t see any of those.

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Oh, but I just tried to import tutorial in workbench one more time and everything seems fine. Probably I clicked somewhere last time.

Yeah everthing is working now, thank you anyway. But still can you tell me what have I done wrong last time so I won’t make the same mistake again. thank you.

The saved selections will be visible once you go back to the Workbench, but won’t be visible in CAD mode (as seen in the image that you posted).