The solution matrix is not factorizable

I am a first user for FEA. I wanna analysis the forcing situation of a hollow tube. but I cannot run it. here could anyone tell me the problem?

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Hi there,
Thank you for posting on the forum.
We will take a look and get back to you soon :slight_smile:


thank you. hope to hear from you soon

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Welcome @zhizhi_wu :wave: can you provide full task description for others to have a look and perhaps trying out themselves. Imho sometimes, it is much easier for other to recreate the task solution instead of trying to debug without existing reference paper.

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Hello @zhizhi_wu , and apologies for the delayed reply here.

There seems to be an issue with the contact definition here. Are you following the contact definition provided automatically, or are you manually defining them?

I recommend Imprinting your model first in the CAD Mode, then stick to the contact pairing provided automatically. Then the simulation should be successful.

I hope this helps.

Best wishes, Kaan