Temperature boundary condition types

How is external wall heat flux temperature different from turbulent heat flux temperature? In a turbulent flow, does it make a difference if i use either of those?

Hi @asgaR0R!

In some cases they are the same, but generally external wall has more features. For more implementation details I would have to ask my colleagues in case you are interested.



Sure @jousefm , that would be very helpful. Thanks !

Hi @asgaR0R!

  • turbulentHeatFluxTemperature applies a thermal-conduction-based BC at the patch, i.e., conductivity * (T_fluid - T_patch) / (dx) = Q
  • an explanation of the externalWallHeatFluxTemperature: http://caefn.com/openfoam/bc-thermal

Hope that helps!


Thanks, much appreciated !