Static non-linear setup validation

I get the following error if I turn on ‘non-linear analysis’ option.
“We encountered an error while trying to validate the simulation setup. Please note that even if the validation appears to have passed, there may still be some issues that were overlooked.”

Goes away if I turn off non-linear or only have one part in the simulation.

Hi, make sure to add a link to your project.


Here is the link.

Thank you

In the second simulation tree, it appears that you are missing:

  1. A load (gravity, or load BCs such as force/pressure/remote force, etc.)
  2. A constraint in the Z direction (the model is completely free to move in Z)

Thank you for the reply. Even if I add a fixed boundary condition on the edge and apply gravity and centrifugal load the error still persists.

" * We encountered an error while trying to validate the simulation setup. Please note that even if the validation appears to have passed, there may still be some issues that were overlooked."

When I click on the arrow on top it takes me to the model ‘Static-2’. The error goes away if I turn off nonlinear analysis.

Hi @sgopal_krishna,

On my end, your simulation worked when applying a fixed value such as this one:

I’ve also changed the kind of symmetry to a cyclic one because it seemed more fitting in your case, although it shouldn’t make much of a difference:

Doing that, the final results for Von Mises Stress are:

Please note: these results are just an illustration. They might not be ideal since there seems to be a problem with the mesh associated with the contact. To solve that, you can go to the CAD mode and apply an union boolean operation on both parts of the rotor.

Thank you for the response. I am not sure if this is a bug but it clearly does not want to accept a boundary condition on any of the edges. Depending on the shape of the discs that fixed face could deform our of plane and thus this would an over constraint boundary condition.

Hi @sgopal_krishna,

Have you tried selecting a face instead of an edge? Would that fit with you simulation goals? Please let me know :slight_smile:

Yes, for the current run this is okay. But in general one should be able to set these up with edge boundary condition like I did for the single part run.