[SOLVED] Simple convective heat transfer problem

Hello everyone!

This is my first post on this forum so very excited!! I am trying to learn a little bit of thermal flow CFD. I am simply trying to simulate an enclosed box with one inlet of hot air and one pressure outlet. The box is a solid with walls having 52.5 mm as shown in the picture. Red cross indicates inlet and blue cross indicates outlet.

In this picture, the wall was removed for you to see inside, so the full box is enclosed as seen in the second picture.

I uploaded the geometry, and meshed it using Hex-dominant (only CFD) algorithm with Internal Meshing mode. The meshing was performed successfully. I then proceeded and chose the faces for boundary conditions. Inlet and outlet were pretty straightforward and I chose walls with no slip condition as shown in the picture below. I was not too sure which walls to pick and I picked the internal walls.

When I try to run the simulation, it gives me an error saying: A multi-region mesh was assigned - this analysis-type requires a single-region mesh.
Would anybody please be able to tell me why this is happening? I think it has to do something with the space between inner and outer walls? I appreciate any help and thank you for reading up to this point! :slight_smile:

EDIT: I tried running closed inner region and selecting the inner face, however it gives me an error saying:
The seed face disappeared when combining the tool objects. Please select a seed face adjacent to the desired void region.

EDIT: I was able to generate the mesh properly. The problem was with the file geometry itself, where the hole and the body were self-intersecting. However, whenever I produce a mesh, immediately after that, the message pops up saying: Mesh settings have changed since the last time the mesh was generated. Therefore when I use the mesh to simulate results, it looks like it is solving something, but then in the post processor, no results are written. Seems like inlet velocity boundary condition was not taken into account at all.


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Hi Kevin and thanks for the thorough description of your problem!

Tagging the famour @cfd_squad here to have a look at that - I am sure that they can give you some useful advices :slight_smile:

All the best,


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Hello Jousefm,

thank you very much for your reply. I have just solved my issue. The problem was with incorrect settings for the solver and therefore I could not see my results. Even though the message “Mesh settings have changed since the last time the mesh was generated” was still present , I was still able to see my results after I changed those incorrect settings. Many thanks for your help! Stay safe and I wish you all the best.



Glad everything worked out :slight_smile: Would be happy to see a nice report once you are done with your project :muscle:

Cheers and take care!


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