Simulation Run Canceled message

Hello , I have an issue with my CFD project (Incompresible flow around two squares).My mesh is about 1.4M cells with Inflation Boundary layer around the squares etc. etc. My first attemption was to run the simulation with end time =1000s and delta t= 1s but i had a message ‘Canceled’, then increasing the end time = 10000-15000 sec I recieved the same message.I have tried multiple combinations of delta t , end time , numerics etc etc but my project still no running or running at half.What can I do for this?

Hi there, would it be possible that you add the link to the project please?

Best regards,

Hi there, it seems I missed your answer here. Just entered to check the project, and it seems that the issue is resolved. What did you change? :smiley:

Best regards,