Save custom materials to library?

I would like to save custom materials to the materials library. I can see how to create a new material, or import a material from the material library, but I cannot see how to save the custom material into the materials library. Is this possible ?

It looks like this question was asked before, but not really answered:



Hi Geoff (@gsokoll) ,

Thanks for the question. As of right now, it is not possible to save a custom material to the library. +1 and added as a feature request.


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We are about to release User Materials for exactly this use case! This will allow you to duplicate a built-in material, modify it, and then use it in any of your simulations. This will reduce errors in setting material properties and reduce the amount of repetitive work for users with many materials. This is scheduled to be out in early June 2022 and will be accessed in the Materials panel using the duplicate icon.

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