Run simscale on openFOAM

Hi all,

I am new to SimScale, and I just knew that SimScale is based on openFOAM for the CFD part. Thus I am wondering whether it is possible to export the code from SimScale and re-run it using openFOAM? I have tried to do this with my project, but it seems that the exported code doesn’t have an executable command to run the whole case. Also, there are some libraries, such as “” and " ". Thus if someone has done this before, could you please let me know what steps did you take before successfully run the case exported from SimScale to OpenFOAM?

Thank you!


Hi Peter!

There is a small trick that you can use. You can basically run one time step and then interrupt the run then download the results. However note that this “feature” will be disabled soon. Let me know if that helped in solving your issue.

All the best,


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