Rhino crashes when hitting the "create project" button


Rhino keeps crashing after hitting the “create project” button. I read something about this potentially being caused by some kind of interference with Climate Studio but i tried on computers with a fresh RH7 installation without climate stduio and the problem persists. Also tried installing an older version without of Nuada but Rhino keeps crashign when hitting “create project”. Could it be a company windows policy/firewall issue perhaps? But if so, shouldn’t that prevent from even installing and running “Nuada CFD”?

Thanks for you help.

I’m running Nuada 1.0.4 in RH7 on Windows 11.

Thanks for your help!


Hi Par,
Thanks for your message! Yes, we have seen some similar behaviour related to Climate Studio and a Newtonsoft.Json library version conflict. It might also occur with other plugins that use the same library. Could you briefly check if the app is able to create a base log file? It should be saved in your App Data folder: AppData\Roaming\NuadaCFD with the current date. It should have a few log items in there mainly talking to the API configuration. Then once it goes on to create a new project, it moves the log file per project over to MyDocuments\NuadaCFD\project name

Maybe a quick call might be best here to bottom out what’s going on with your setup and we can see how we get this running again.


Hi Jeroen,

Thanks for your help. I tried other computers within my organization (some of which had no additional plugins installed for rhino) and the same thing happened. Rhino crashing when hitting the “create project” button. I tried on a machine outside my organization using the same API-key and it worked fine.
The app is able to create base log files in Roaming\NuadaCFD but nothing showing in Documents\NuadaCFD. I suspected this issue had to do with OneDrive changing my default windows filepath for the documents folder but this was adjusted by removing OneDrive and the problem persists.

Any idea what could be causing this? How about a quick call?

